NICE is a leading supplier of recording solutions and holds multiple patents for VoIP call recording technology.
Accountability and evidential archive are functional prerequisites in the specialist verticals of financial services and command & control. The delivery of effective and commercially viable solutions demands inter-vendor cooperation and partnership. Speakerbus support the development and certification of partner products under our Technology Partner Program.
In the ever-expanding ecosystem of vendors operating in the unified communications technology space, interoperability is an essential requirement and the formal certification of specific products as interoperable is key to ensuring customer satisfaction.
With NICE Trading Recording (NTR), regulatory compliance is built-in, thanks to a secure and automated process that documents all access to call recordings and delivers instant call retrieval and replay to the workstation. The system is accessed through a standard web browser, with all activity fully documented for a complete audit trail of every event, including the time of playback.
After successfully completing certification the NICE Trading Recording (NTR) is certified to record all call traffic types. NTR v6.3 is certified to work with the SB 534 trader voice platform across versions v6.810, v6.7 and v6.6.