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Service Sunset Notice: Speakerbus TDM Voice Connectivity Services

By Timothy Game

Chief Technology Officer

Service Sunset Notice: Speakerbus TDM Voice Connectivity Services

Speakerbus may find it necessary to discontinue products for several reasons, including product line enhancements, market demands, technology innovation, or products that have matured over time and are replaced by functionally richer products. 

End-of-life notices are inevitable in the fast-paced world of technology, and being prepared is the key to successfully navigating these transitions.

Our EOL policies help clients better manage their product end-of-life transition. 

We aim to help you understand the significance of end-of-life notices, recognise common elements, and adopt a proactive approach to transition planning.

Together, we will ensure a seamless move to supported solutions while minimising the impact on your trading operations. 

Service Sunset of TDM equipment components


Speakerbus Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) Core

End of Service Date:

31st January 2025

Affected Parts/Variants:

Speakerbus TDM Core Network and transport mechanism to the client will be affected. Note: this does NOT affect E1/T1 TDM handoff to client trading platforms.

Suppliers of critical services and equipment components to the Speakerbus core network infrastructure are actively either; (i) announcing End of Life Notices for the provision and continued support of TDM circuits and connectivity, or (ii) ending support and maintenance on the TDM hardware equipment. 

For these reasons, Speakerbus is transforming its core network infrastructure from legacy TDM to SIP-based technology for the delivery of end-to-end connectivity services.

SIP-based technologies will enable Speakerbus to offer equivalent connectivity for existing services provided by Speakerbus, plus offer numerous enhanced feature sets.

Speakerbus will continue to provide TDM edge connectivity utilising TDM to SIP (and vice versa) gateways.

For more information on how new orders and clients' next steps, please read our EOL document.  
Stay informed, stay proactive, and embrace the opportunities that arise from our latest evolutionary updates.

If you need help finding what you're looking for or are unsure if you need to update, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

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